Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Why are we here ?


I'd like to take a different route today.
Id Like to ask the question .. Why the fuck are we here ?
Many a great mind mounted this puzzle throughout the ages, yet no clear answer was given.

My friend, Justin is dead. He died of heroin overdose.. Beside a girl he thought.loved.him. I wish he wasnt gone or I could've helped.

I have really struggled with this why question for as long as I can remember.. Just in varied forms.
Why do we live .. Why do we die?
What was the point?
Meaning aside , was the world better worse or unchanged by our very existence.. ? If we exist  in multidimensional worlds .. Are we the best and worst at the same time ? It is possible earth is a simulated purgatory ?
Where are all the aliens, and ghosts ?
Why does it seem like globally, we are moving back wards, for unity and progress ? What's really on the other side of the wall of sleep? Are my dreams really trips to parts of the multidimensional reality ? Do we return to the river of consciousness when we die ? Will I see my lost loved ones again ? Since energy cannot be created nor destroyed, what form will it take next ?

I feel like we are missing vital details .. All of us.. I can't answer my own questions.. No one can.

But most importantly, I just want to know why my friend, my brother on this trail is.gone.

Rest in peace, brother justin.


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