Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A photo from the past...


Way back when i was a kid, I believed in ghosts and aliens.
sounds crazy i know. but I watched Unsolved Mysteries, about ghosts and aliens,
and it freaked me out so much that i had trouble sleeping. or i think ive always had
a touch of insomnia. but i dont know. so after much babbling here it is.

this one has a story. i, myself, did not take this pic, but when i saw it I begged my best friend
for it. he gave it to me, and I never thought anyone would ever see it but here it is.

::::::::::::::::It was taken at a famous church::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
maybe someone knows which, i think it was in italy, but i cant be sure, and there is a skeletal
shadow thing appearing above the glass windows. as I was told, the picture is actually of the
glass windows. you know how the windows in a church are beatiful.

without further delay:

see the image above the window? strange, but my first actual photo

the whole photo, the last one is a more zoomed in version of this. even with the blur on the bottom of the photo, it still doesnt explain what/why that is above the window.
just the back of the photo to prove it is actually a photo.

so, let me know what you think. someone out there..


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