Friday, July 15, 2011


These are all taken at Rose Island in RI. Its very nice and very haunted there. I have a treat for you in this post. My favorite capture is involved in this set. I will mark it and let you tell me what you see.  But here we go.. These are edited to have a red box around where I feel there is something paranormal. You decide. The normal touristy style shots are first..
Soldiers Quarters

Power station / Matt
Rose Island light house. Very beautiful there.

The Dock and our ride to the island

a look at the top from the ground

Newport bridge..

newport bridge

the dock from the lighthouse

inside the lighthouse.. taking down our eauipment.. (frank) scary up there..

Looks like a face in the wall.. to me at least.. in the soldiers quarters.. it was cold (winter)/Frank + Joe

Strange image on right.. possibly paranormal, could be just pixilization/reflection

Zoom in on this one. Its CREEEEPYYY.. there is someone looking down at me. I took a pic because I thought I saw one of the members of the group looking down at us walking toward the house.. we are in the yard in front of the lighthouse

Look at the red box. its not Jeff's reflection. Its not a picture to the best of my memory, and it doesnt look like him or have glasses on. Very Strange... I cant wait to go back to this place and check out certain places..

Strange App. in the box..

I walked up to the door, and just snapped a quick pic.. looks like the child ghost is looking back at me below about the height of a child..

 Zoom in on that picture. Its a map or something. I see so much shit in there... there are multiple ghosts in that picture. I see one flipping me the bird! I see a woman with long hair, and her arm is accross her chest. there are a few other ghosts randomly in the picture. There is another in the lower quadrant of the right corner of the box and on the book on the piano. other than the red box, this is NOT MODDIFIED. Every person that sees this will see something new that I havent seen, the people I have shown it to always see something.
By far, this is my best or 2nd best capture to date.
His shadow is on the right. WTF is on his left with the dark eyes?

Here is a quick snap of the child ghost that was communicating with us that night. I kept seeing movement from the corner of my eye in this room and I snapped a pick and caught it. I was sitting in the adjacent room, and I am short, figure the child is 3-4 foot tall... crazy... the light coming from the right is a static IR light.

IDK what i saw with this one. I see something but its late.. you look..

I hope you see something in here that makes you know/question that there is something beyond.

My favorite one that i marked still makes me think that rose island has quite a bit of horror on that island to have that many spirits in that one photo. crazy shit.

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