Monday, May 30, 2011

My First Ghost hunt, my first capture

Hello All my internet buddies and fans (basically talking to myself at this point)

This post is a preview of more to come. Here is my first capture of a ghost at an undisclosed location
Not that I would not love to tell you where it is, but the group is sensitive about there public well-being
All the sceptics can say what they will. I was there, I took the pic, I have a video to prove it.
Here ya go.

My buddy says it looks like 'deadpool' with the black eyes.
Either way... Let me know what ya think...
This was my 1st investigation and my 1st capture ever. I was some time ago now (yes months)..
But, I have some more gems to share with the 'net but a little at a time.
im too tired to let them all upload in one day.

let me know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. Ok.. so apparently I was wrong. You can't post from an android platform. Great blog amigo. Keep the hits coming. Possibly set up a youtube channel so you can post video too.

